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We are available to answer your questions about regulations,
regulatory changes, and the best type of testing for you
Linked below are select regulatory guidelines and resources
California Proposition 65
Prop 65 began in 1986 as a regulation to safeguard drinking water in the state
of California. It has evolved over the years and its broad mission is to verify
that products are not harmful to humans or the environment. Today it is
widely considered to be the baseline for quality and safety across industries.
Its most common implementation is to regulate toxic matter in products meant for adults.
Children's items
The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) is a U.S. federal agency that asses
the relative risk of products bought and sold on the U.S. market. They are tasked with issuing product recalls. Most children's items in the US must meet the limits set forth in the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA). However, this law regulates only lead. For cadmium, Mutual Cornell uses the lowest level mandated by a state law. The current limit used by the industry is from Washington state.
Phthalates [pronounced thal-ates] are groups of chemicals used make plastics more flexible and
therefore harder to break. They are commonly found in soft plastics such as PVC but are also
present in many cosmetic, personal, and child care items.
Both the CPSIA and Prop 65 regulate phthalates; CPSIA controls for phthalates in products
intended by the manufacturer to be used by children under 12, whereas Prop 65
(OEHHA) regulates phthalates in items for both adults and children.
The Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive (RoHS), is a European Union regulation
restricting the use of harmful substances in electrical and electronic equipment (EEE).
Leachability & Solubility [Toys]
EN 71 and ASTM F 963 are tests to ensure that products, especially toys meant for
children, are safe for commercial sale and consumer use. EN 71-3 is the European Union
safety standard. ASTM F 963 is its US equivalent.
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